Marta Fiol

  • Certification Level: Associate
  • Geographic Location: BELGIUM, Antwerp (Naedts)
  • Languages: Danish, English
  • Specialization:
  • Institution Name

Associate Teacher (2015)

Part-time faculty
Eolia School of Theatre
Barcelona, Spain
+34 652536630

Marta Fiol is a professional soprano and teacher of vocal technique and expression, who emphazises not only the searching out of your own sound and the links between body, breath, voice, and emotions, but also the development of creativity and pleasure in vocal performing and singing improvisation. She has studied with Cynthia Sanner, M. Alió, Anna Ricci, J. Bise, M. García Morante, À. Soler, and Kamal Khan. As a performing artist, Marta is very interested in modern classical singing cabaret recitals and shows, singing music by L. Berio, B. Britten, A. Schönberg, Kurt Weill, E. Satie, etc, as well as performances with interdisciplinary arts. As a singer she has been always committed to contemporary music, singing premières of P. Bacchus, B. Casablancas, A. Charles, Nino Díaz, S. Fidemraizer, J.M. Mestres-Quadreny, P. Pardo, J. Rodríguez Picó, A. Sardà, C. Silva, J. Soler, among other composers. She has performed the main role in various operas (“La voix humaine”, “Le pauvre Matelot”, “Soledad”, “Un futur esplèndid”, Selima”, “Fantasia Lírica Opportunitas”, etc). She has also worked in musical theatre: “Sweeney Todd” (dir. Mario Gas), “Candide” (dir. X. Albertí), “El Retaule del Fautista” (dir. J.Ll. Bozzo), “Boccato di Cardinale” (dir. Comediants, Joan Font, etc). She can be heard on CD’s from “Columna Música”, “Ars Harmonica”, and “Kamalundu. Marta’s curiosity about the links between voice, music and different aspects of communication has led her to train as a teacher of Primary School Education; to teach voice in a business environment; to publish books (she is the director of “Early Childhood Education and Arts School Contents Department” in the Group Edebé Publishing House); to produce and direct educational shows (currently for the Palau de la Música Catalana: “Bim BOM, Nadons al Palau” for babies and parents, “Zig-Zag, Passets al Palau” for toddlers, and “Abans de Néixer al Palau” for pregnant women). As well as at the Eolia Theatre School, Marta teaches Fitzmaurice Voicework in a Dalcroze Training Program and in BA Granés, and is introducing the work to teachers in Compulsory Education and in her private coaching actors, sessions with singers, teachers, and business people. She is also studying Feldenkrais.

MA Municipal Superior Music Conservatory of Barcelona; BA Diploma Bordeaux France.

Languages: Catalan, French, Spanish, English


‘Vulnerabilidad, libertad y conexión en el canto lírico’

Marta Fiol, (Ella/Ellas) es Profesora Asociada de Fitzmaurice Voicework®️, Profesora Acreditada del Método Feldenkrais®️, y Diplomada en Pedagogía Willems y Musicoterapia (AMBx). Como coach vocal enfatiza no solo la búsqueda del propio sonido y expresión (a partir de la conexión cuerpo-respiración-voz-emociones), sino también la presencia escénica, el desarrollo de la creatividad y el placer en la interpretación sobre el escenario.

Como cantante profesional, comprometida con la creación contemporánea ha estrenado óperas de diversos compositores (recientemente «Voraç Bellesa», de Lucas Peire, en el Gran Teatro del Liceo; o «Historias de una reina enloquecida», del compositor Agustín Charles, en el auditorio del CSMA, en Zaragoza). Destacan también sus recitales escénicos personales donde conjuga repertorio lírico y sentido del humor («Sequenza, o a desestructuración de una diva», y actualmente a punto de estrenar «Forclusión, o una terapia necesaria», bajo la dirección de Mont Plans). También ha creado, dirije e interpreta los espectactáculos familiares “Bim Bom”, Zig Zag” i “Abans de néixer” (Antes de nacer), en el Palau de la Música Catalana, de Barcelona.