Micha Espinosa

  • Certification Level: Master
  • Geographic Location: BELGIUM, Antwerp (Naedts)
  • Languages: Danish, English
  • Specialization: Diversity/Inclusion
  • Institution Name

Lead Trainer
Fitzmaurice Institute Artistic Director
Arizona State University
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
School of Music, Dance, and Theatre
Dixie Gammage Hall
PO Box 872002
Tempe, AZ 85287-2002


Micha Espinosa is an Arizona-based artist, activist, professor, teacher, and voice, speech, and dialect coach. She has performed, lectured, and taught voice and speech around the world since 1992. She is a proud 30-year member of SAG/AFTRA and has performed in film, television, and regional theatre. Professor in School of Music, Dance, and Theatre at Arizona State University (ASU), affiliate faculty with ASU’s School of Transborder Studies & the Sidney Poitier New American Film School; Artistic Director for Fitzmaurice Institute & Lead Faculty of Fitzmaurice Teacher Certification. Award-winning editor for the book, Monologues for Latino Actors: A Resource Guide to the Contemporary Latino/a Playwrights; co-editor for the award winning, Scenes for Latinx Actors and the forthcoming, Latinx Actor Training. A core member of the renowned international performance troupe La Pocha Nostra. She is passionate about social justice in actor training, global and feminist perspectives, and the voz cultural.

Micha Espinosa, basada en Arizona, es artista, activista, profesora y coach de voz, habla y dialecto. Desde el año 1992, Micha ha dado presentaciones y conferencias, y ha enseñado voz y habla a través del mundo. En los últimos 30 años ha sido socia orgullosa del SAG/AFTRA, y ha actuado tanto en cine como televisión y teatro regional. Es profesora de la Escuela de Música, Danza y Teatro de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona (ASU); afiliada al cuerpo docente de la Escuela de Estudios Transfronterizos y de la Escuela del Nuevo Cine Americano “Sidney Poitier” en la Universidad de Arizona (USA); directora artística del Instituto Fitzmaurice y docente leader de la Certificación para Docentes Fitzmaurice; editora del libro Monologues for Latino Actors: A Resource Guide to the Contemporary Latino Playwrights (Monólogos para actores latinos: un recurso y guía para el escritor de obras teatrales contemporáneos latinos),el cuál obtuvo un premio; co-editora de la serie premiada Scenes for Latinx Actors y Latinx Actor Training (escenas y entrenamiento para actores latinos); miembro central del internacionalmente reconocido grupo de actores “La Pocha Nostra”. Sus pasiones son la justicia social en el entrenamiento de actores, las perspectivas feministas globales y la voz cultural.

MFA University of California-San Diego; BFA Stephens College.

Languages: English, Spanish
Specializations: Diversity/Inclusion