Mino (Melisa) Devost

  • Certification Level: Associate
  • Geographic Location: BELGIUM, Antwerp (Naedts)
  • Languages: Danish, English
  • Specialization: Singing
  • Institution Name

Associate Teacher (2014)

Vancouver Island, Canada

Mino (Melisa) Devost’s (she/they) career in the arts has spanned two decades and included working and touring as a singer/songwriter, lending her voice to various studio recordings, working in theatre, television and film in various capacities and teaching different instruments with a focus on vocal coaching.

Mino released her fourth record, the EP Love Her Like You’re Leaving, in winter of 2021. Previous to that, she was touring her one-person theatre show This Way It’s Poetry among other theatre and music related endeavours.

Mino’s creative interests and influences span from pop-culture new and vintage, to early country folk and gospel, soul music and storytelling.

Mino has studied various vocal pedagogies, including Speech Level Singing and Roy Hart work. After becoming a student then assistant teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework, the drive to follow and deepen her practice both as a teacher and a student led her to become a certified teacher after training in Los Angeles in 2013/14.

Mino’s current curiosities and work include voice and community and the writing table in anticipation of what shows up next.
Languages: English
Specializations: Singing